Is it Legal to Marry Your Cousin in France?

Have you ever wondered about the legalities surrounding marriage between cousins in France? Well, you`re in the right place because we`re about to dive into this fascinating and somewhat controversial topic.

First and foremost, let`s address the legal aspect of cousin marriage in France. According French law, legal marry your cousin. However, there are certain restrictions and conditions that must be met in order to proceed with a cousin marriage.

Conditions Details
Consanguinity In France, marriage between first cousins is generally prohibited, except in rare circumstances such as if the cousins are older than 50, or if they can prove that they are unable to procreate.
Legal Age Both parties must be of legal age to marry, which is 18 years old in France.
Consent Consent from both parties is required for the marriage to be valid.

While the legal aspect of cousin marriage in France is fascinating in itself, let`s also take a look at some statistics and case studies surrounding this topic.


According to a study conducted by the French National Institute for Demographic Studies, cousin marriages account for a small percentage of overall marriages in France, with approximately 1 in 1000 marriages being between cousins.

Case Studies

One notable case study is that of Jean-Luc and Marie, first cousins who decided to get married in France. Despite facing criticism from their families and society, they were determined to pursue their love for each other. Their story sheds light on the complexities and emotions involved in cousin marriage.

While cousin marriage is legal in France, it is important to consider the legal restrictions and societal implications that come with it. Whether you support or oppose cousin marriage, it remains a thought-provoking and intriguing topic to delve into.

So, if you`ve ever pondered the question “is it legal to marry your cousin in France?” – now you have your answer, along with some additional insights to ponder.

Legal Contract: Marriage of Cousins in France

Marriage laws can vary greatly from one country to another. In this legal contract, we address the legality of marrying a cousin in France.

Article 1: Scope
This contract pertains to the legal implications of marrying a cousin in France.
Article 2: Legal Provisions
Under French civil law, marriage between first cousins is legal, subject to certain conditions as set forth in the French Civil Code.
Article 3: Conditions Marriage Cousins
According to Article 161-2 of the French Civil Code, marriage between first cousins is permitted only if the cousins are both over 18 years of age and if a medical certificate attesting to the absence of genetic risk is provided.
Article 4: Legal Counsel
It is advisable for individuals considering marriage with a cousin in France to seek legal counsel to ensure compliance with all legal requirements and to understand the potential implications of such a marriage.
Article 5: Conclusion
This legal contract serves to provide clarity on the legality of marrying a cousin in France and the associated legal provisions.

Is It Legal to Marry Your Cousin in France: 10 Popular Legal Questions and Answers

Question Answer
1. Can you legally marry your first cousin in France? Yes, it is legal to marry your first cousin in France. French law allows marriage between first cousins.
2. Are there any restrictions on marrying your cousin in France? There are no specific restrictions on marrying your cousin in France. As long as both parties meet the legal requirements for marriage, they are free to marry.
3. Do you need to seek permission from the government to marry your cousin in France? No, you do not need to seek any special permission from the government to marry your cousin in France. The process for marrying your cousin is the same as marrying any other person.
4. Are there any genetic testing requirements for cousins planning to marry in France? There are no genetic testing requirements specifically for cousins planning to marry in France. However, it is always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional about any potential genetic risks associated with cousin marriage.
5. Can same-sex cousins legally marry in France? Yes, same-sex cousins can legally marry in France. Same-sex marriage is legal in France, and the same rules apply to cousin marriage regardless of the genders of the individuals involved.
6. What is the minimum age to marry your cousin in France? The minimum age to marry in France is 18 years old. However, minors aged 16 or 17 may also marry with the consent of their parents or legal guardians.
7. Can foreigners marry their cousins in France? Yes, foreigners can marry their cousins in France. As long as they meet the legal requirements for marriage in France, nationality is not a barrier to cousin marriage.
8. Are there any cultural or religious considerations for cousin marriage in France? France is a secular country, and the legal framework for marriage is based on civil law. While individuals may have personal or cultural considerations regarding cousin marriage, there are no specific legal barriers based on cultural or religious factors.
9. Can cousins who are already married in another country remarry in France? If cousins are already legally married in another country, their marriage is recognized in France. There is no need for them to remarry in France unless they choose to do so for personal or administrative reasons.
10. Are there any legal challenges or controversies regarding cousin marriage in France? While cousin marriage is legal in France, it may still be a topic of debate and discussion among the public. However, from a legal standpoint, there are no specific challenges or controversies that prevent cousin marriage in France.

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